New Zealand Army SAS ALICE Pack DPM

That's an NZ pattern ALICE pack that replaced the Large US "3 pouch" one in 1999. All pouches are fixed. Generally most Infantry ones have a lot of personal modifications i.e. long side pouches replaced with ration pack pouches etc.

A larger version of the Eblestock Terminator replaced the NZ Alice pack in 2013. More of a glorified hunting/civi pack so the majority of Infantry and any others who can source them have gone back to modified ALICE packs.

NZ Issue SAS Bergen in waterproof DPM. Very large Bergen consisting of:Alice frameTwo full length attached side pouchesThree attached water bottle pouchesTwo attached utility pouchesThree attached magazine pouchesLarge pouch on topInternal radio compartment

1 comment:

  1. Hi all, if anyone is still monitoring this page I would like to find a new complete NZ issue DPM alice pack. Please send me an email if you have any sources to purchase one or are willing to part with one of your collection.

    Kindly, Brandon.
