Russian Medical Troop Bag (SMV)

Сумка Медицинская Войсковая (СМВ) с укладкой СССР
Сумка Медицинская Войсковая (СМВ)

Packing - cover bags of SMV. Weight - 3.9 kg. The cover is made of special waterproof fabric. The bottom, cover and side walls of the case are soft, the front and back walls are semi-rigid, reinforced with gaskets made of waterproof cardboard. A lid with side flaps is a continuation of the rear wall and covers the front wall by more than two thirds. The cover of the bag is equipped with a shoulder strap with a five-wall buckle and a loop and also two locks. Inside the cover is divided into two compartments with a cloth partition. Continuing the side walls are two folding pockets on the valves.

The medical troop bag of SMW is designed to provide first and first aid to 30 wounded and burned, affected by ionizing radiation, poisonous substances and bacterial agents.

Contains: narcotic analgesics (promedol) and non-narcotic (analgin), tranquilizer (phena-zepam), antiemetic (tercarazine), central nervous system stimulant (sydnocarb), irritant (ammonia), sodium (sodium bicarbonate) preparation, preventive drugs and treatment of lesions with radioactive and toxic substances (Athens, Cystamine, "Preparation P-10M", anticyan), antiseptic (iodine), cosmetic petrolatum, sulfanilamide (sulfalene), antibiotic (doxycycline).

- 10 individual dressing sets.
- 2 medical kerchiefs.
- 20 safety pins.
- 1 pencil.
- 1 notebook.
- 2 hemostats.
- 1 thermometer.
- 1 device for artificial respiration.
- 1 tweezers.
- 1 scissors.

There are also dressings (sterile gauze bandages, medical hygroscopic cotton wool, medical kerchiefs, adhesive plaster, individual dressing packages, small medical dressings) and other items (hemostatic harnesses, scissors, tweezers anatomical, medical thermometer, breathing tube, safety pins, folding knife, notebook, pencil).

Packing - cover bags of SMV. Weight - 4.5 kg.

The stretcher medical strap is a canvas strap with a lining in the middle part and a metal buckle at one end.

Strap length 3450 mm, width 65 mm. Weight - 0.65 kg.

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