MBSS Maritime Ballistic Survival System
2002 - 20**

History of development
The modern tactical nylon gear system of the Navy SEAL is very similar to the USMC Force Recon FSBE II gear system. The system is modular and MOLLE compatible. Operator can custom equip himself for different operations. SEAL use two MOLLE gear systems, the Maritime Load Carriage System (MLCS) developed by Eagle industries, and the Maritime Ballistic Survivor System (MBSS) system. The MBSS system consists a plate carrier, various MOLLE pouches and a small backpack.
It consists of a cover for of the slab (Plate carrier, PC), a set of pouches for the assault rucksack ( MAP) and floating (flotation) panels.
Developed by Allied Industries. In the authors' minds this should be an easy "hold" bulletproof vest for operations to seize ships, oil platforms and other coastal infrastructure. The target audience was special forces of the Marine Corps and special forces of the fleet (Seals).
It consists of a cover for of the slab (Plate carrier, PC), a set of pouches for the assault rucksack ( MAP) and floating (flotation) panels.
Developed by Allied Industries. In the authors' minds this should be an easy "hold" bulletproof vest for operations to seize ships, oil platforms and other coastal infrastructure. The target audience was special forces of the Marine Corps and special forces of the fleet (Seals).
Naval Special Warfare Command LCS Kit
The kits were supported by another system, distributed separately and used specifically in DA (Direct Action) and VBSS (Visit Boarding Search Seizure) operations, the MBSS (Maritime Ballistic Survival System) kit, developed and built by Allied Industries (division of The Resource Centre) starting from 2002, consisted of a modular Plate Carrier, available in two sizes (referring to the size of the ballistic protections to be inserted) S/M and L/XL divided into at least 4 variants, an Admin Pouch w/light, a CHEMS Pouch, 2 single M4 Pouches, 1 double M4 pouch, 1 triple M4 Pouch, a MAP, a Spine MAP (usable with only the front panel of the fourth variant plate carrier) and a set of floatation inserts.
The individual kit includes the following items:
The kits were supported by another system, distributed separately and used specifically in DA (Direct Action) and VBSS (Visit Boarding Search Seizure) operations, the MBSS (Maritime Ballistic Survival System) kit, developed and built by Allied Industries (division of The Resource Centre) starting from 2002, consisted of a modular Plate Carrier, available in two sizes (referring to the size of the ballistic protections to be inserted) S/M and L/XL divided into at least 4 variants, an Admin Pouch w/light, a CHEMS Pouch, 2 single M4 Pouches, 1 double M4 pouch, 1 triple M4 Pouch, a MAP, a Spine MAP (usable with only the front panel of the fourth variant plate carrier) and a set of floatation inserts.
The individual kit includes the following items:
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MBSS : Maritime Ballistic Survival System
(1) Front carrier with flotation
(1) Back carrier with flotation
(1) GP Pocket
(2) Single Mag Pocket
(1) Double Mag Pocket
(1) Triple Mag Pocket
(1) Liteholder
Num. | Description | NSN |
1 (ea) 8470-00-NSH-0012 8470-00-NSH-0012-KH 8415-00-NSH-0012-RG | MAP Modular Assault Pack Spine MAP ** | 8470-01-516-8452 8465-01-529-1712 8465-01-529-2112 |
1 (ea) 8470-00-NSH-0005 | Mbss plate carrier vest Small / medium | 8470-01-516-8446 |
1 (ea) 8470-00-NSH-0006 | Mbss plate carrier vest Large / Xlarge | 8470-01-516-8447 |
1 (ea) 8470-00-NSH-0015 8470-00-NSH-0015-RG 8470-00-NSH-0015-KH | GP Pocket NO Light Holder | 8470-01-516-8454 8465-01-529-1555 8465-01-529-1552 |
2 (ea) | Single Mag Pocket | --- |
1 (ea) | Double Mag Pocket | --- |
1 (ea) | Triple Mag Pocket | --- |
1 (ea) 8470-00-NSH-0016 8470-00-NSH-0016-RG 8470-00-NSH-0016-KH MS-ADMP-WL-KH | GP Pocket with Lite Holder | 8470-01-516-8453 8465-01-529-1551 8465-01-529-1550 8465-01-519-5129 |
8470-01-516-8447 Vest, Small Arms Protective Body
Special Features: Vest, mbss plate carrier, front and back, large/xlarge, coyote brown, component of full spectrum battle equipment (fsbe)
Color: Brown main body
Garment Size: Large-X-large
NSN : 8470-01-516-8454
Pocket GP MBSS ( without ) W/O Lightholder
Component of Full Spectrum Battle Equipment (FSBE)
Color: Coyote brown
Color: Brown main body
Garment Size: Large-X-large
NSN : 8470-01-516-8454
Pocket GP MBSS ( without ) W/O Lightholder
Component of Full Spectrum Battle Equipment (FSBE)
Color: Coyote brown
NSN : 8470-01-516-8453
Pocket GP MBSS W / Light Holder
Component of Full Spectrum Battle Equipment (FSBE)
Color: Coyote brown
8470-01-516-8446 Vest, Small Arms Protective Body Special Features: Vest, mbss plate carrier, front and back, small/medium, coyote brown, component of full spectrum battle equipment (fsbe)
Color: Brown main body
Garment Size: Small medium
Iniziamo con i più "comuni", ossia anche quelli che probabilmente arrivano dalle varie dotazioni ricevute dai Marsoc e che sono quindi tra i più indicati per riprodurre fedelmente tale load-out, in quanto sono quelli che compaiono nel maggior numero di ref pics:
I primi due sono quelli contenuti nel famoso e mitizzato kit "Marsoc-LCS" il cui corretto acronimo è "MCLCS" che poi non è altro che un kit in "khaki" della Eagle distribuito ai Marsoc nel 2008:
Eagle Industries Modular Body Armour Vest (MBAV) khaki;
Eagle Industries Rodhesian Recon Vest (RRV) khaki.
Questi altri provengono da altri kit… il MAR-CIRAS proviene dall'MLCS (i Marsocs hanno avuto accesso a questo kit ai tempi del Detachment One, quando lavoravano in Iraq assieme ai Seals nel 2004), l'RBAV a quanto pare è stato distribuito un po' a tutte le SF ma a quanto pare non fa parte di alcun kit… gli ultimi due all'FSBE2:
Eagle Industries Maritime Combat Integrated Releasable Armor System (MAR-CIRAS) khaki;
Speciality Defense System Special Forces Releasable Body Armor Vest (RBAV) in colorazione khaki;
Eagle Industries FSBE2 Combat Integrated Releasable Armor System (CIRAS FSBE2) coyote brown;
Eagle Industries Marine Corps Armour Vest (MCAV) coyote brown.
Come protezione "leggera" si è visto l'utilizzo del PACA (quasi sempre in colorazione tan ma va bene anche il modello FSBE2 in coyote brown).
Spesso si è visto anche il Safariland Low Vis Carrier.
Un bel utilizzo del Safariland Low Vis Carrier, visto appunto nelle "ref pics", è il suo impiego abbinato al chest MOLLE (RACK HARNESS) del primo kit FSBE in woodland.
Come altre "soluzioni" tattiche, probabilmente frutto del classico "acquisto personale e/o di reparto", oppure distribuiti a interi MSOB nei loro deployment quindi visti spesso "on field" abbiamo i seguenti:
Crye Precision Jumpable Plate Carrier (JPC) visto in tutte e tre le configurazioni in cui è stato prodotto, ovvero Multicam, coyote brown e ranger green;
Crye Precision LV-RBAV, utilizzato a volte assieme ad una sorta di "airlite chest rig" sempre della Crye, questo si è visto però solo in colorazione coyote brown (e comunque dal 2012 in avanti, distribuito ad un intero MSO
Crye Precision Cage Plate Carrier (CPC) (si è visto in uso ai Marsoc per ora solo in coyote brown);
Eagle Industries Plate Carrier w/Cummerbund (PC W/CUMM) in colorazione OD Green oppure anche Coyote Brown;
si è visto anche l'utilizzo dell'HSGI Wasatch (in tan) portato sopra ad un PACA;
del chest MOLLE (RACK HARNESS) del primo kit FSBE ho già detto poco sopra.
Per "dovere di cronaca" cito che si son visti utilizzare anche degli Eagle Industries Scalable Plate Carriers (SPC) in dotazione ai reparti di fanteria dei Marines, a volte indossati anche senza cummerbunds oppure degli Afghan-made plate carriers, a volte indossati sopra a dei PACA. Sono però casi più unici che rari, che sconsiglio a livello di un corretto reenacting Marsoc in quanto correreste il rischio, come per la GEN3 in Multicam, di non esser compresi dai cosiddetti "puristi" del reenacting.
Sul discorso degli SPC ad esempio si sono visti utilizzati da reparti "dog handlers" (K9) probabilmente aggregati ai Marsoc (non si hanno notizie certe purtroppo)… quindi siamo proprio al limite del rischio...
Ancora "per dover di cronaca" cito che esiste una famosa foto (attribuita a dei Marsoc) in cui un team sfoggiava appieno un bel mischione con RRV FSBE2 e MBSS FSBE2, idem come sopra, l'adozione di questi load-outs (seppur molto suggestivi) è molto rischiosa a livello di reenacting (anche perché la foto in questione se non sbaglio risale al 2007, quindi siamo agli albori dell'unità).
NSN : 8470-01-516-8448
Special Features:
Carrier set, small/medium, coyote brown, includes mbss plate carrier vest, modular assault pack, pocket gp mbss with light holder, and pocket gp mbss without light holder, component of full spectrum battle equipment (FSBE)
Color: Brown
Procurement Group Code: Porter P L Co. (02953)
Armor Vest and Assault Pack Asse
NSN : 8470-01-516-8449
Special Features:
Carrier set, large/xlarge, coyote brown, includes mbss plate carrier vest, modular assault pack, pocket gp mbss with light holder, and pocket gp mbss without light holder, component of full spectrum battle equipment (fsbe)
Color: Brown
Color: Brown
Procurement Group Code: Porter P L Co. (02953)
Armor Vest and Assault Pack Asse
NSN : 8470-01-516-8449
Special Features:
Carrier set, large/xlarge, coyote brown, includes mbss plate carrier vest, modular assault pack, pocket gp mbss with light holder, and pocket gp mbss without light holder, component of full spectrum battle equipment (fsbe)
Color: Brown
Procurement Group Code: Porter P L Co. (02953)
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