
British Armed Forces Personal Clothing System (PCS)

British Personal Clothing System-PCS


The PCS consists of combat uniform , ancillary items and waterproof clothing.



  • Sweat-wicking T-shirt Base layer (AI)
  • Sweat-wicking Underwear (AI)
  • Sweat-wicking UBACS MTP (AI)


  • Insulation Combat Thermal Undershirt / Light Olive (AI)
  • Insulation Jacket Thermal (AI)
  • Insulation Trousers Thermal (AI)

Combat Uniform

  • Lightweight Jacket MTP (CU) 
  • Combat trousers MTP (CU) 
  • Smock Combat Windproof MTP (CU) 


  • Lightweight Waterproof Jacket MVP MTP
  • Lightweight Waterproof Trousers MVP MTP
  • Waterproof Gortex Jacket, Heavy MTP
  • Waterproof Gortex Salopettes, Heavy MTP
  • Petroleum Protective Gortex Jacket / Gen 2
  • Petroleum Protective Gortex Salopettes / Gen 2
  • Smock Thermal Lightweight / Gen 2
  • Trousers Thermal Lightweight / Gen 2

Personal Gear Wanted 

Anything Else

We are, of course, interested in any other item that fits the collection, even if it is not listed here. If you have additional information, or if you have surplus equipment that you want to share, please contact us.

British Army
Multi Terrain Pattern / Personal Clothing System / Combat Uniform

The new clothing system will start to be issued to units from early 2011 in accordance with Front Line Command (FLC) fielding plans and will start to be issued to new recruits from October 2011. The roll-out will be complete to most personnel by April 2013.

MTP PCS CU is not only a new camouflage pattern but also a new design of uniform and it will replace Combat Soldier '95 as both working dress in barracks and combat uniform in training and on operations.The uniform comes in two types - Temperate and Lightweight.

Current issue MVP (Moisture Vapor Permeable)

Various different designs of waterproof garments are currently being assessed as part of the ongoing development of the PCS with an expected fielding date of 2012. All items will be in MTP.

A review of the need for specific female designs is underway and results will be trialled accordingly. These will be rolled out separately once designs have been finalised.

Units will change to the new CU over three years from Spring 2011 in accordance with FLC fielding plans. In order to control expenditure, task issues to units will be spread over three financial years before units will be allowed to demand items direct. Issuing to recruits will begin in the second half of 2011. Unit CS95 stocks will be withdrawn and reissued to units later in the fielding plan to minimise waste.

Ancillary items will be available for issue from mid-2011. They will be issued in bulk to recruits along with issues of CU. Personnel previously issued with CS95 will only receive the new ancillary items for operations or to replace CS95 equivalent items that have worn out. Current CS95 ancillary items are fully compatibe with the PCS CU and will remain in use as long as stocks are available.

Hot weather CU and ancillary items will be issued to personnel deploying on Op HERRICK 15 and to other operations or overseas training exercises from mid-2011. Hot weather clothing will be of the same design as the temperate combat uniform but in a lightweight, breathable cloth.
Personal Clothing System

Because of the staged introduction, 3 years, expect lots of mixed dress and bartering!

The MoD have done a good job here; pulling together the different strands of UOR and main Equipment Plan to create what looks like a very good system. No doubt squaddies will moan and groan, it is after all what they are supposed to do, but the extensive trials, roadshows, operational evaluation and feedback methods employed on the PECOC programme which has informed PCS should ensure any gripes are minor.

There is no doubt the old MoD ghosts of crap clothing, boots, body armour and helmets are about to be firmly laid to rest.

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