
Swedish Army Medical Bag 9 - Sjukvårdsväska 9

Sjukvårdsväska 9

Medical Bag 9

Stock-number: M8280-111010-1
Storage designation: FÖRBUTR SJSK / SJV / S
Weight: 8 kg
Material: PVC coated fabric

First aid equipment company nurse and a platoon medic / S is also called medical bag nine
It is a square backpack with medical supplies that are used to manage everything from stopping the bleeding to fix a broken bone. The bag has padded adjustable straps which makes it possible to carry as a backpack. Brackets on the back of the bag also allows for attachment to the 70-litersmes. On tit, above the medical bag, sits a 35 liter backpack which acts as combat packing.

When you open the bag, open the kardborrestängningen and fold out cover. The back is composed of compartments A, B and C. To gain access to the large compartment, E need compartment D and F folded outwards. When the bag is fully opened, it is easy to keep track of all the stock. This is facilitated by the fact that the lids are transparent.


Compartment A

The contents of the compartment A consists of patient records and pens. There is also a plastic bag to put ambulance log in, so it does not get wet. The ambulance journal is relevant information about who is injured, what happened, symptoms, remedies, the damage development and prescriptions. Journal forwarded when the injured forwarded to the ambulance or dressing room. There are always held an oral presentation, because nothing in the records to be misunderstood. The compartment also bibs to attach to equipment belonging wounded, sick or dead soldier.

Compartment B

The slot B is stored nästub, oropharyngeal airway and safety pins. Oropharyngeal and nästub used when the victim is unconscious and breathing obstructions.
Oropharyngeal and nästub hold your tongue away from the posterior pharyngeal wall to provide a clear airway. There is no guarantee of a patent airway, and should not be used on damaged conscious. The tray is also a förbandssax blunt which one uses to cut up clothes.

Tray C

C compartment is without clear plastic cover. Compartment is located under the A and B slot and holds stock in order to stabilize the neck and broken bones. The equipment consists of a cervical collar, three cardboard splint arms / legs, two cardboard rail extension and forearm cardboard splint.

The purpose of the neck collar is to stabilize the neck to avoid damage to the neck vertebrae. Papp rails used to immobilize the sprains and / or fractures.

Cardboard rail arm / leg mounted to fit 90-degree angle to the foot sole pose to the lower leg. In this mode supplemented this with the extension, as both joint above and below the fracture must be immobilized.

Papp rail forearm for example used clincher / fracture of the wrist. It is important to polstra (make it soft and easy to avoid sharp edges) when using the cardboard strips.

Compartment D

Box D contains burn dressings, swabs, elastic quick dressing and first aid. The latter is the same as each soldier has the right leg. It is in a sterile package and is used to stop bleeding.It contains instructions, a loose gauze and gauze attached with an elastic bandage.

Box E

Box E is the largest and contains four small elastic bandages, blood pressure monitors, adhesive plasters. There is also equipment for giving drugs intravenously (in the vein) and infusion. There are three infusion cannulae (Venflon / PVK) and as many infusion sets. There are also drugs in the tray;Aspirin 500mg tablet (20), chlorhexidine in alcohol (5mg / ml) for skin disinfection. As painkillers are three Ampin Morphine 10mg / ml for use in severe pain, however you must be extra careful and attentive when head injuries. As the infusion solution is three liters of Ringer acetate. It is a drug that can be used for bleeding, to fill with fluid and thus keep up the pressure in the circulatory system.

The infusion solution (Ringer acetate) stored at the bottom of the tray in a stocking-box, to be protected. For tray E is also a vest to use in cold weather. On the vest attached infusion solution and are thus kept warmer than the ambient temperature. When infused fluid should in fact be at body temperature.

Tray F

F-compartment contains 13 large elastic bandages used for example to fix a bone in cardboard rails.

Link : Here

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing an article . medical bags for doctors should be large enough so they can keep their essentials their.
