
PASG - Pneumatic Antishock Garment - MAST Suit


PASG - Pneumatic Antishock Garment 
Called also MAST suit

Trousers , Pneumatic
NSN : 6515-01-076-4713
May 07, 1979


Pneumatic Antishock Garment

A garment-like device placed around a patient’s legs and abdomen (it has 2 separate chambers) and inflated to provide emergency treatment of shock until more definitive therapy . Pneumatic Antishock Garment an inflatable garment used to combat shock, stabilize fractures, promote hemostasis andincrease peripheral vascular resistance.

Make sure that vitals are taken before application of the PASG and then again after it is applied and inflated. Then continue to monitor vitals frequently. The purpose of using the PASG is not to return the blood pressure and circulation to normal levels, but instead to stabilize the patient's condition. Once inflated, the PASG shoudl not be deflated in the prehospital setting. Releasing the pressure reduces the peripheral vascular resistance and expands the size of the vascular space and removes about 250 mL of blood from the active circulation. This could seriously harm the patient as they are trying to compensate for shoc

The PASG device is intended to compress the vascular space and accomplish 4 objectives:

1) Increase peripheral vascular resistance by pressurizing the arteries of the lower abdomen and extremities.

2) Reduce the vascular volume by compressing venous vessels.

3) Increase the central circulating blood volume with blood returned from areas under the garment.

4) Immobilize the lower extremities and the pelvic region.

The proper use and application of the PASG can return about 250 mL of blood back to the central circulation.There are some concerns with the use of the PASG, among them are

* The abdominal part of the PASG pressurizes the abdominal cavity and increases the work associated with breathing.
* This can reduce chest excursion.
* Studies have shown that application of PASG in cases of penetrating chest trauma has increased mortality
* PASG may be detrimental to patients with uncontrolled internal hemorrhage.

Indications for using the PASG include:

shock patients w/ controlled hemorrhage
patients w/ pelvic fracture and instability w/ hypotension
patients w/ possible neurogenic shock
any shock patients w/ uncontrolled hemorrhage below the mid-abdomen.

Contraindications are:

Poulmonary edema
Cardiogenic shock

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