
ACU Permethrin - ACU-P

Permethrin Factory-Treated Army Combat Uniforms (ACU Permethrin)

Thanks to : US Army PHC

To protect Soldiers from insect bites and the diseases they can transmit, Army-developed permethrin-treated Army Combat Uniforms (ACU-Ps) replaced standard ACUs in May 2013. The ACU-P was specially designed to guard Soldiers from a host of annoying insects, like disease carrying mosquitoes, ticks, chiggers, midges, and flies – all of which can inflict painful bites.

When worn properly (loosely with sleeves rolled down, pants tucked into boots, undershirt tucked into pants, and any openings closed), ACU-Ps offer a 99-100 percent bite protection rate. To achieve maximum protection, Soldiers should wear their ACU-Ps and apply the remaining components of the DoD Insect Repellent System.

In order to provide Soldiers with the best possible protection from disease-carrying insects, the Army has introduced a permethrin factory-treated Army Combat Uniform (coats/trousers) known as the ACU Permethrin. Effective October 2012, the ACU Permethrin replaced the non-permethrin ACU in Army Military Clothing Stores (AMCS). In February 2013, the ACU Permethrin replaced the non-permethrin ACU as an Army Clothing Bag Item. ACUs purchased at AMCS prior to 1 October 2012 will not be returned/exchanged for the ACU Permethrin. In May 2013, the ACU Permethrin was made available to Army National Guard/Army Reserve Enlisted Soldiers, and the Senior/Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps. There is no wear-out-date for the non-permethrin ACU.

With the introduction of the ACU Permethrin, the Army is introducing a product that will enhance Force Health Protection and Readiness. A single factory treatment with permethrin offers significant benefits to the ACU Permethrin wearer including increased protection against the bites of mosquitoes, flies, midges, ticks, and chiggers for the life of the uniform. The ACU Permethrin protects Soldiers from insect and tick-borne diseases (such as malaria and West Nile virus by mosquitoes and Lyme disease by ticks), while in garrison, training, and non-combat deployed environments worldwide. Wearing permethrin-treated uniforms is a key component of the DoD Insect Repellent System. Soldiers wearing an ACU Permethrin should continue to properly protect themselves against insect bites and diseases by wearing the uniform with the sleeves rolled down, closing all openings in clothing that might let insects in, tucking pants into boots and undershirt into pants, and keeping the uniform loose. For over 20 years, the DoD Insect Repellent System has been proven to be highly effective in preventing biting insects from becoming an annoyance or making Soldiers sick.


There are no known adverse health risks associated with wearing the ACU Permethrin.

Safety testing of permethrin has been conducted almost continuously since the 1970's since its Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registration for use in/on many different applications such as food/feed crops, livestock, Public Health Mosquito abatement programs, pets, and clothing.

The EPA registered permethrin as an insect repellent for use on clothing and the US Food and Drug Administration approved permethrin for medical treatments for head lice and scabies, only after thorough research had proven them safe.

In 2009, the EPA completed the human health and environmental risk assessments for permethrin. The EPA's review reassessed the potential adverse health effects resulting from wearing permethrin-treated uniforms. Based upon the best science and studies performed to date, the EPA has determined that wearing or coming in contact with permethrin-treated uniforms is unlikely to cause adverse health effects.


Army personnel performing daily activities or participating in training and field operations inside the United States and overseas are at risk for insect-borne diseases, some of which may cause long-term health effects or even death. Uniforms treated with permethrin reduce this risk.

Many vector-borne risks exist to service members who do not wear treated uniforms both here in the US and while overseas. While service members may not always be in a high risk environment for vector-borne illness or death, having our military members protected prior to entering these environments is critical to mission effectiveness and readiness and is the right thing to do to safeguard the health of Soldiers from these risks. The risk of some mosquito- or tick-borne disease is present in nearly every state.

Permethrin repels many species of crawling and flying insects, including mosquitoes, ticks, chiggers, and flies.

Permethrin works as a contact insect repellent.

Ticks crawling across the ACU Permethrin will drop off before they are able to attach and feed.

Mosquitoes and flies that land on the ACU Permethrin will quickly fall from the fabric and often die from the exposure to the permethrin treatment.

Soldiers spend a significant amount of time outdoors, working and training in habitats where they are more likely to be bitten by both disease-bearing and annoying insects. The Army objective is to provide 90% bite protection out to at least 50 launderings; an objective easily met through factory treatment of the ACU Permethrin which demonstrates 99-100% bite protection out to 50 launderings

(the expected lifetime of the uniform).

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