
Russian Army Individual Anti-Gas Field Dressing Package IPP- 11

Индивидуальный противохимический пакет ИПП-11
Individual anti-gas package IPP- 11

Individual anti-gas package IPP- 11

IPP- 11 - an individual anti-gas packet received in return for IPP- 10 . Means of neutralizing toxic and irritating substances ( soothes irritation ) on the skin of the person and personal protection , including emergency and for neutralization of the affected skin. Early dermal protects against toxic substances from 6 to 24 hours.

IPP- 11 is a sealed package of metallized film with notches containing a swab soaked with a neutralizing anti-gas composition ( langlik ) . Instructions printed on the package .

For a one-time processing of the neck, hands, face and around the edges of one pack enough clothes . IPP- 11 can be kept at a temperature of from -50 ° C to +50 ° C. Shelf life - 5 years, but can be extended by a good condition shell. It may also be used to treat thermal and chemical burns, skin ulcers, minor cuts , wounds festering . Liquid package also has a disinfecting effect .

It is recommended to have at least 4 pieces per person .

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