
Polish Army backpack mod. 89 - Puma

Plecak Wojska Polskiego wz. 89 - Puma

Dimensions: 33cm X 25cm Max height - 70cm

Capacity: 40-55L

Dimensions Bottom reinforced with rubberized bottom
The height of the backpack : the first binding - 40 cm to 25 cm of the next bond . Maximum total height 65 cm depending on the amount of things that you take , are using two degrees of closing the backpack - a small amount of 40 cm , a large number - 65 cm. In addition to strengthening can also tie a height of 40 cm .
Bindings - a strong rope,
Fasteners - Metal buckle and strap width - 2 cm . Reinforced stitching on harness and hooks , load-bearing harness power for heavy duty wide 5 cm , so there are carved the arms as well as the possibility of adjusting the length of the metal brackets at the top of fixed position at the bottom of the metal snap hooks attached to metal holders - Mesh / extra eye in the middle - the opportunity to fix something or suspension.
The side sewn with transparent plexiglass frame to the data owner.
When you are making use - takes very little space to store .
It is very light so that we can take a trip in a backpack. If someone is a tinkerer , maybe for little money to convert a backpack and put rack in the middle - that 's my suggestion .
BIG and roomy - OVER 50 liters.

1 comment:

  1. For me it is one of the best military surplus items that I ever found. Yes, the wearing comfort is terrible but on the other hand the bag is super super light weight. No unnecessary side pockets and straps that you never use. You can compress the bag to a size as small as you want. Not recomended for hiking trips but for carrying it in the hand luggage off an airplane, attaching it on the luggage carrier of a motorbike or bycicle and taking it with you in your car it is perfect. I've used this backpack on several backpacking trips in Europe and Asia.
    I just bought the improved version of this backpack; The M93 watertight woodland camo backpack.

    I'm such a fan that I wrote a blog about it:
