
New Zealand Army Combat Uniforms

New Zealand Army Battledress

New Zealand Army uniforms have historically followed the British pattern of the British Army Uniform with the high crowned "lemon squeezer" hat as the most visible national distinction.

British-pattern Battle Dress was worn until the 1970s, with "Jungle Greens" being used as field wear with Beret or Khaki Cap and Boonie hat

Armed Constabulary uniforms 
Blue uniform very similar to the United States Army during the Civil war  1846–1886

Boer War 

Brown khaki uniform and stockings. They also wore the Australian style Slouch hat  1899–1902

World War I
Service Dress Kaki 

World War II
Battle Dress 

Malayan conflict,Vietnam
"Jungle Greens" 

British DPM  
 Historically, New Zealand's armed forces used British DPMs, with the first issues of 1968 Pattern smock and trousers being made in 1980. These were replaced with the first of the New Zealand pattern DPM in 1984–1985, and there have been several iterations since. In the mid-1990s a quantity of British windproof smocks were purchased as the indigenously developed DPM camouflage woollen "Swanndri" had never really found favour due to its weight (especially when wet), bulk and impractical cut.

1997 Pattern NZDPM

After a series of cheaply made shirt and trouser iterations, a new pattern was issued in 1997; it resembled in DPM colour and cut the British jungle DPM shirt and trousers used until the late 1990s which were lighter in colour than the British "Combat Soldier 95" pattern. Of high-quality manufacture, the shirt and trousers feature double knees, elbows and seat. Rank slides are worn on the shoulders. A lightweight 100% cotton DPM windproof smock is issued, which has a rank slide on the front, covered buttons and an integral hood.

2008 Pattern NZDPM

In late 2008, New Zealand Army commenced issue of a new combat uniform. It is still New Zealand DPM camouflage, but now made in rip-stop material and in a new cut which is somewhat similar to the latest style of Australian DPCU, US ACU and British PCS MTP uniforms, in that the patch pockets on the shirt are replaced by internal, vertical closure pockets and the shirt is cut for wear outside the trousers, and a camouflaged rank slide is worn on the front tab.

New Zealand Desert DPM NZDDPM

The first contingents deployed to Afghanistan wore the 1997 pattern standard temperate DPM. A desert version of the 1997 pattern uniform first appeared in 2003 with the deployment to Iraq. A desert DPM version of the 2008 combat uniform is now being issued for use in Afghanistan, the Sinai and Lebanon. The desert DPM material closely resembles the British 2-colour desert pattern.

Multi Terrain Camouflage Uniform (MCU pattern)

On July 27, 2012, the New Zealand Army formally announced the new Multi Terrain Camouflage Uniform will replace the NZDPM and NZDDPM patterns. The initial rollout phase for the MCU uniform was concluded on the 16th of June, 2013 with 1st NZArmy Brigade being issued it. The next phase is to have it issued to all NZ Army battalions and is expected to be completed in October, 2013

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