
New Russian Army Uniforms

Новая военная форма

In December 2012 the Russian Ministry of Defence of the presentation of the new uniforms. It is assumed that the updated uniform, 500 sets of which have already been tested in the Arctic, the southern regions of Siberia and Central Russia, the Russian army will go completely in 2014.

Универсальная всепогодная система

New uniforms for the military RRF

Russian Defense Ministry has developed a new special uniform for the military contingent of the Collective Rapid Response Forces of the Collective Security Treaty . According to the Office of the Press and Information Ministry of Defense, the first demonstration of the new uniforms was held in June at a meeting of the Council of Defense Ministers of CSTO .
The proposed variant of clothes consists of 6 sets and is designed for use at temperatures from +40 to -40 C. Fashion design takes into account the experience of fighting in various climatic and weather conditions in different areas. The new uniform has several colors, does not restrict movement , especially when shooting , noise when moving the soldier and has low optical visibility , and clothing items correspond to the standard set of equipment.
In the proposed uniform light weight , high durability and practicality. The materials used are of high strength characteristics , freezing , silent buckles , locks and fasteners, providing a quick donning and discarding equipment. Clothing provides a comfortable and long-term military presence in any setting , convenient and quick access to all elements of the equipment in a variety of positions.
A distinctive feature of the proposed form of clothing and its main advantage - modular , allowing independent of weather conditions and the specific situation of each element and the product used alone or in combination. Kit includes uniforms and suits fleece thermal underwear ( waterproof , field , wind and waterproof , insulated windproof ) . The kit also includes shoes and socks (summer and winter ) , a cap and a helmet to the face. For transportation of clothing has a roomy trunk

Versatile all-weather clothing system for the RRF consists of:

1) Thermal underwear lightweight wicking
2) Thermal underwear warming wicking
3) Windproof fleece suit
4) Costume field (soft shell )
5) Costume vetrovodozaschitnogo (membrane hardshell )
6) Suit insulated windproof

Included as shoes, socks and shoes (summer and winter), cap and hood, trunk.

Outerwear (4-6) is made in gray-beige camouflage coloring, designed for mountain and desert areas, based on the anticipated theater CSTO RRF.

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