
Soviet Army Airborne Combined Mess Kit

Mess Kit

Soviet Army Airborne Combined Mess Kit




Nomenclatureкотелка ВДВ / Airborne Bowler
Котелок ВДВ комбинированный-фляга десантная
Combined Airborne Bowler-Airborne Flask



The set includes:

Bowler hat with a handle;
Pan with a handle;

All elements of the VDV bowler are made of food grade aluminum according to military specifications. In this configuration, the flask is inserted into the kettle, the kettle is inserted into the pan.

On the side surfaces of the VDV pot there are handle clamps. The pan (pan) has a folding handle for carrying it like a frying pan or bowl. In the transport position, the panties handle serves as a lock for the entire set;

Flask volume: 0.9 liter;
Pot volume: 1.0 liter;

The volume of the pan (frying pan): 0.5 liters;
Empty set weight: 200 grams;
Kit dimensions: 190 x 160 x 90mm.

History / Summary

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Combined Airborne Bowler-Airborne Flask
designed specifically for use by military personnel of the USSR / RF Airborne Troops in the field.

A bit of history. A combined bowler with a flask was adopted by the Airborne Forces by the order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR No. 78 of September 17, 1959 "On the Admission of an Aluminum Combined Bowler with a Flask to Supply the Airborne Troops." The manufacturer is the Leningrad factory "Krasny Vyborzhets", as evidenced by the stigma "KV".

The prototype was the army bowler, which was manufactured at the same plant since 1931 and was in service with the Red Army even before the Second World War. In turn, the army bowler outwardly resembled a bowler of the Kaiser's army of the 1910 model, which was accepted for equipment in place of the pot of the 1893 model. The capacity of the German kettle is 1.7 liters, on the bowler itself there are two small vertical lines, marking every 0.5 liters of volume. A wire handle was attached to the pot.
Approximately until 1943, the bowler was stamped out of aluminum, and then the production of cheaper steel bowlers began. It was during this period that a metal buckle began to attach to the steel handle on the lid of the kettle, through which a black leather strap passed, fixing the lid on the kettle. The leather strap was of the standard pattern, the same as used to fasten the roll length of 52 cm, with a buttonhole loop. Outside, the bowl was covered with a dark gray paint, and from April 1941 - with a paint of olive green color.

However, the new model has significant differences, and this is the merit of Soviet developers. They have perfected it so much that so far it has not lost its relevance and is not inferior to the best examples of foreign armies in universality. And the simplicity of manufacturing, along with cheapness, rightfully brings such a "comber" to the leaders.


The set includes:

Bowler hat with a handle;
Pan with a handle;

All elements of the VDV bowler are made of food grade aluminum according to military specifications. In this configuration, the flask is inserted into the kettle, the kettle is inserted into the pan.

On the side surfaces of the VDV pot there are handle clamps. The pan (pan) has a folding handle for carrying it like a frying pan or bowl. In the transport position, the panties handle serves as a lock for the entire set;

Flask volume: 0.9 liter;
Pot volume: 1.0 liter;

The volume of the pan (frying pan): 0.5 liters;
Empty set weight: 200 grams;
Kit dimensions: 190 x 160 x 90mm.

Combined bowler hat is a versatile, multifunctional, convenient set for hiking. Great for reheating and / or preparing several types of hot food. Thanks to the flat bottom of the flask, it is possible to boil water in it equally conveniently both on burners and on various tagan-tiles, having previously unscrewed the cap. This flask can also be hung over the fire by the chain from the lid.

The undercoat can perform the following functions:

Bowls for preparing or arranging second courses;
Mugs for making drinks;
A scoop for taking water or processing loose soil (sand);
Pans for melting fat and cooking;
Lids of the main pot when carrying water in it, cooking.


Pot-flask-bowl "landing" combined 3in1 USSR Airborne Forces original. With a cover. Warehouse

The purpose of adopting a combined bowler with a flask is obvious - reducing the amount of wearable property of the fighter. This is directly related to the tasks assigned to the Airborne Forces, as the paratrooper has to act in the rear of the enemy, in isolation from his own supply bases, and it is inconvenient to carry a huge field soldier's bowler with him.
The first samples of a combined kettle with a jar were made of two parts, and the jar was with a flanged flange to cover the boiler room. This option later came to provide parts of the civil defense of the Soviet Union.
The next sample, adopted in 1989, is in service with the units and divisions of the Airborne Forces of Russia to date. A podkotelnik was added to it. Accordingly, there was no need for a flask edge. In later versions of the kit, the flask was made of plastic.
Army bowlers were worn differently: inside the satchels (in a special pocket), on the "suharka" valve (usually on the left, next to the flask), on the military backpack, on the back belt of the belt or even on the belt. Inside the kettle, soldiers usually kept bread, dry rations or other foods. A case is known when binoculars were carried in a bowler hat. Ways of wearing the kit have not changed, and its functionality will be relevant for many years to come. Initially, when you leave the kit, which the soldiers affectionately called "matryoshka", was placed on the belt in the case, as the ammunition was spent, it was transferred to the taxiway. If it is supposed to overcome obstacles while driving, it must be stored only in the taxiway.
This set has proved itself well in all armed conflicts in which Russia had to participate. In addition, he is a success with hunters, tourists and fishermen.

The kit of the combined kettle with a flask includes:
Flask aluminum (plastic) with a fastening lid;
A bowler hat with a handle;
Podkotelnik with a handle.
In this configuration, the jar is inserted into the bowler, the bowler - in the podkotelnik, and the whole set is put into the cover, which is delivered separately and is intended for storage and transportation of the product.
The size of the complete set in the assembled form: 182 x 160 x 90 mm.
Color of the set: light aluminum. All elements are made of light aluminous aluminum according to army specifications.
Due to warehouse conservation, the factory storage kit is in solidarity. Therefore, it is preliminary recommended to disassemble all the components of the combined kettle with a jar and boil them separately in a soda solution. After this, allow to cool to room temperature and wipe dry. It is better to rinse the inside of the flask with boiling water or alcohol. After this, the jar will be ready for operation.
Before using the jar, it is recommended to grind with sandpaper, this will give the necessary clearance, which does not allow it to wedge in field conditions when a sandbath gets into the bowl. Each other must enter into each other more than freely.
The cover is a rather important part of the kit, not only because it allows you to attach the bowler to your belt, but also because it does not make it possible to stain the contents of the backpack about the soot, which quickly becomes contaminated with the surface of the kit.
Each individual element of the kit has different purposes.
Separately the jar can be used:
For carrying liquid in a volume of up to 1 liter;
As a kettle for boiling (aluminum), previously unscrewing the twist;
A container for distilling urine, dirty or sea water;
As an anchor for the transfer of a safety rope to a tree, when it hits a swamp foot, moves on a swimming device or guides a rope crossing.

The main bowler can be used:

For cooking in suspended or ground conditions;
For carrying liquid in a volume of up to 1 liter over long distances (complete with a podkotelnikom);
For carrying water from the place of its fence to the place of cooking;
As a vapor trap during distillation (complete with a podkotelnikom);
As a water collector in a solar distiller (desalination);
As a container for collecting, carrying, storing berries and other loose food products;
As a capacity for technical needs in the manufacture of soap, tar, glue and other components;
As a container for kindling snow (ice) and obtaining drinking water.
The podotelnik can perform the following functions:
Bowls for preparation or layout of main courses;
Cups for making drinks;
A scoop for collecting water or treating loose soil (sand);
Pans for kindling fat and cooking;
Cover the main pot when carrying water in it, preparing food or distilling the liquid.
The cover can be used:
For carrying the kit and protecting it from dirt;
For carrying various items (shop, cartridges, nuts, berries, etc.);
In wet form as a temperature regulator for the safety of the transferred liquid in a cool state;
For the manufacture of patches from it for the repair of clothing and equipment.
Variants of use of this product are various, and along with minor improvements

The process of formation and condensation of steam in ideal conditions begins in 7-8 minutes. In the process of vapor extraction, such a structure is capable of distilling (desalting) any liquid in any amount. In an hour she can surpass more than 400 grams of urine, contaminated or seawater, which is enough to maintain the body's water balance in an extreme situation.

In the process of distillation, it is necessary to update the liquid, which is cooling in the liquidator, as soon as the first bubbles appear. With a good sealing of the joints of the tube, the loss of the evaporated liquid is not more than 100 ml of the 700 contained in the jar. Accordingly, pour new liquid into the jar for distillation is necessary after 70-90 minutes of boiling, depending on the intensity of the fire. It is best after the boiling of the liquid to move it to the coals, in order to prevent a lot of pressure, and hence loss of liquid in the form of steam.
In the cool period, the hose can be immediately lowered into the pot, without making a hole in it and without covering it with a pod. In this case, the steam manages to cool and condense, getting into the kettle already in the form of purified and ready-to-drink water.
The second invention is to use the structure as an additional reservoir for carrying water over long distances. Preliminary it is necessary to make a gasket from the piece of the wheel chambers or an old gas mask to the size of the bowler and install it between the kettle and the lid (podkotelnikom) or use it to make cellophane tight. In this case, the volume of water transferred is doubled - 1 liter in a jar enclosed in the podkotelnik, and 1 liter in a bowler hat. In this case, some inconvenience of carrying will be compensated by a large supply of liquid.


The kit is versatile, multifunctional, convenient and compact for carrying;
With a minimum of containers, it is possible to warm up or cook in the field several types of hot food per person (a bowler - the first dish, a second pot, a second flask - a decoction, a drink or tea);
The design allows you to cook food equally comfortably on a fire, on alcohol and gas burners, as well as on various tagankah-tiles;
The production uses a rather thick sheet of aluminum, hence the increased strength and durability of the product. The thicker material also ensures an even distribution of heat and reduces the risk of food sticking;
The basic capacity of the bowler and flask has a rational volume for use by one person;
A small diameter of the neck doses the flow of water when it is saved and does not allow its rapid flow out with accidental overturning. With the loss of the lid, it is easier to make a stub from improvised materials. On the other hand, it is not convenient to wash the jar inside, it is difficult to collect water from small open sources;
Thanks to the metal casing of the jar and its flat bottom, having previously unscrewed the cork, it can boil water, which makes it impossible to make samples from plastic or oval jars. Such a jar can also be hung above the fire by the chain from the lid;
Relatively cheap and affordable product.


In a plug the black sealing rubber which after long use gives an unpleasant smell of a water transferred in a jar is applied. Corrected by replacing the sealant with cork;
The cork insurance against accidental loss is made in the form of a steel chain that is used to knock on a jar in motion when the jar is on the belt. It is corrected by using a rubber band or by replacing it with rope insurance;
If the jar is not full, it can very loudly click at an inopportune moment, cooling down and contracting from the cold. It is corrected with the help of cellophane, a newspaper, stretched rubber bands or a tourniquet;
Some inconvenience brings the need to put the podkotelnik on the pot underneath - after cooking on the fire, if you do not have the opportunity to clean the bowler properly, you will have to put the pantograph on the dirty smoked bowler inside. On the other hand, the soot is covered with a clean container, which does not cause a stain to get stained;
The bowler is difficult to clean from soaked soot, especially if it is from resinous tree species. Corrected by thorough cleaning with sand or earth;
It is very difficult to disassemble the structure if sand or mud gets into the joints of the flask and the bowl during transportation in the folded state. Corrected by using cellophane bags or a plastic jar;
In some substandard products, the flap handle of the pot is made poor (longer than it is supposed, because of incorrect crimping the loops can not make a complete revolution through the top, only from below). It is corrected with the help of the tool, changing the direction of joining the handle to the bowl by the opposite;
Instability kettle. It is corrected by the thoughtful installation of the kettle on the coals, taking into account the possible burning out of the latter or by hanging the pot over the fire;
The handle of the podkotelnyk is very hot when heated on a fire or a burner. Corrected with a rag or a stick attached to the handle.
Product weight at d

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